power bi free_使用Power BI Free许可证将Power BI嵌入到Dynamics 365中
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Whilst Power BI continues to be the leading data visualisation tool in , Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement (formerly Dynamics CRM) remains one of popular business platforms for driving sales and facilitating customer communications. Thus, an integration of Power BI into Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement ensures that you get to explore your Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement data via a powerful and rich data visualisation tool. However, as indicated in Figure 1, Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement plans often come with a Power BI free license thereby limiting the type of Power BI features available to you. In this article, we look at how you can get the best out of your Power BI free license for the purposes of embedding Power BI artefacts into Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement. Going forward, any references to Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement plan in this article will be shortened to Dynamics 365.

尽管Power BI继续是领先的数据可视化工具,但Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement(以前称为Dynamics CRM)仍然是推动销售和促进客户沟通的流行业务平台之一。 因此,将Power BI集成到Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement中可确保您通过功能强大且丰富的数据可视化工具来探索Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement数据。 但是, 如图1所示 ,Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement计划通常随附Power BI免费许可证,从而限制了您可以使用的Power BI功能的类型。 在本文中,我们将探讨如何从Power BI免费许可证中获得最大收益,以便将Power BI工件嵌入到Dynamics 365中以进行客户参与。 展望未来,本文中对Dynamics 365的“客户参与”计划的任何引用都将简化为Dynamics 365。

Subscription details for a Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Plan

Figure 1: Subscription details for a Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Plan

图1:Dynamics 365客户参与计划的订阅详细信息

Dynamics 365中的Power BI:Power BI仪表板 (Power BI in Dynamics 365: Power BI Dashboard)

The simplest way that one can go about embedding a Power BI artefact in Dynamics 365 is through a Power BI Dashboard feature. Assuming that you already published a Power BI dashboard using your free license, you can configure the Power BI Dashboard feature by logging into Dynamics 365 and selecting Power BI Dashboard under the NEW button as shown in Figure 2.

将Power BI工件嵌入Dynamics 365中的最简单方法是通过Power BI仪表板功能。 假设您已经使用免费许可证发布了Power BI仪表板,则可以通过登录Dynamics 365并在NEW按钮下选择Power BI Dashboard来配置Power BI Dashboard功能, 如图2所示。

Create a new Power BI Dashboard in Dynamics 365

Figure 2: Create a new Power BI Dashboard

图2:创建一个新的Power BI仪表板

In the Add Power BI Dashboard window, specify a workspace and name of the dashboard you want to embed.

在“ 添加Power BI仪表板”窗口中,指定要嵌入的仪表板的工作区和名称。

Choose the Power BI Dashboard you want to add

Figure 3: Add Power BI Dashboard wizard

图3:添加Power BI仪表板向导

Having clicked the Save button in Figure 3, your embedded dashboard will appear as shown in Figure 4.

单击图3中Save按钮后,您的嵌入式仪表板将出现, 如图4所示。

Power BI Dashboard embedded in Dynamics 365

Figure 4: Embedded Power BI Dashboard in Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement

图4:Dynamics 365中的嵌入式Power BI仪表板,用于客户参与

Dynamics 365中的Power BI:Dynamics 365仪表板 (Power BI in Dynamics 365: Dynamics 365 Dashboard)

Sometimes, you might require a dashboard that combines content from Dynamics 365 built-in charts along with Power BI artefacts. The Dynamics 365 Dashboard contains a multi-layout canvas that makes it possible for you to display web resources, lists, charts, Power BI tiles, and Power BI reports within a single dashboard.

有时,您可能需要一个仪表板,该仪表板将Dynamics 365内置图表中的内容与Power BI工件结合在一起。 Dynamics 365仪表板包含一个多布局画布,使您可以在单个仪表板上显示Web资源,列表,图表,Power BI磁贴和Power BI报表。

  1. Assuming that you already have an existing Power BI dashboard that consists of tiles, we begin in Dynamics 365 by creating a new Dynamics 365 Dashboard as shown in Figure 5.

    假设您已经有一个由图块组成的现有Power BI仪表板,那么从Dynamics 365开始,首先创建一个新的Dynamics 365 Dashboard如图5所示。

    Create new Dynamics 365 Dashboard in Dynamics 365

    Figure 5: Create a new Dynamics 365 Dashboard

    图5:创建一个新的Dynamics 365仪表盘

    Next, you have to choose a layout for the new dashboard – for the purposes of this demo, I selected the 2-Column Regular Dashboard layout.


    At this point, you should have a blank and nameless Dynamics 365 dashboard as shown in Figure 6. To embed Power BI tiles, you will have to click on the Power BI icon highlighted in Figure 6.

    此时,您应该具有一个空白且无名的Dynamics 365仪表板, 如图6所示。 要嵌入Power BI磁贴,您必须单击图6中突出显示的Power BI图标

    Add a Power BI tile to Dynamic 365 dashboard

    Figure 6: Dynamics 365 Dashboard Canvas

    图6:Dynamics 365仪表板画布

    In the Power BI Tile window, specify a workspace, Power BI dashboard as well as the name of your tile. In this case, I am using one of the sample Power BI dashboards that I installed using .

    Power BI Tile窗口中,指定工作区,Power BI仪表板以及您的瓦片名称。 在这种情况下,我将使用通过安装的示例Power BI仪表板 。

    Choose the Power BI tile that you want to add to the Dashboard

    Figure 7: Power BI Tile configuration window

    图7:Power BI Tile配置窗口

    Once you click OK in Figure 7, you will be taken back to your Dynamics 365 Dashboard with an embedded Power BI tile as shown in Figure 8

    单击图7中的 OK之后,您将返回带有嵌入式Power BI磁贴的Dynamics 365仪表板, 如图8所示。

    Power BI tile embedded in Dynamics 365 Dashboard

    Figure 8: Embedded Power BI Tile in Dynamics 365 Dashboard

    图8:Dynamics 365仪表板中的嵌入式Power BI Tile

  2. In addition to embedding tiles, you can also embed a Power BI report into a Dynamics 365 Dashboard using an iframe. Prior to embedding your Power BI report iframe, you must ensure that you have published one of your Power BI reports to the web. Publishing a Power BI report to the web is as easy as opening a specific Power BI report, navigating to the File menu and clicking the Publish to web option.

    除了嵌入磁贴,您还可以使用iframe将Power BI报表嵌入到Dynamics 365仪表板中。 嵌入Power BI报表iframe之前,必须确保已将其中一份Power BI报表发布到Web。 将Power BI报表发布到Web就像打开特定的Power BI报表,导航到“ 文件”菜单并单击“ 发布到Web”选项一样容易。

    Figure 9: Publish to web feature in Power BI

    图9:Power BI中的发布到Web功能

    If you successfully follow the prompts, you should get to a Success window that contains URL links for your Power BI report as shown in Figure 10.

    如果您成功地遵循了提示,则应该进入Success窗口,其中包含Power BI报表的URL链接, 如图10所示。

    Publish to web URL links

    Figure 10: Embed Links for a Power BI Report

    图10:Power BI报表的嵌入链接

    Now that we have a URL address for our Power BI report, we return to our Dynamics 365 Dashboard and this time we click on the Insert Iframe icon.

    现在我们有了Power BI报告的URL地址,我们返回到Dynamics 365仪表板,这次单击“ 插入iframe”图标。

    Insert Power BI iframe into Dynamics 365 dashboard

    Figure 11: Insert Power BI iframe into Dynamics 365 dashboard

    图11:将Power BI iframe插入Dynamics 365仪表板

    In the Iframe Properties window, we set the URL property with the URL address generated in Figure 10, save our changes and our Power BI report will then be rendered within the Dynamics 365 Dashboard via an iframe

    Iframe属性窗口中,我们将URL属性设置为图10中生成的URL地址,保存更改,然后通过iframe在Dynamics 365仪表板中呈现Power BI报告。

    Iframe properties for embedding Power BI content into Dynamics 365 dashboard

    Figure 12: Iframe properties for embedding Power BI content

    图12:用于嵌入Power BI内容的iframe属性

Dynamics 365中的Power BI:许可证限制和常规提示 (Power BI in Dynamics 365: License Limitations & General Tips)

Although we have successfully demonstrated embedding of Power BI into Dynamics 365 using a Power BI free license, you should still consider upgrading your license to Power BI Pro. This is because there are several benefits to using a Power BI Pro that makes the integration of Power BI and Dynamics 365 so effective and seamless.

尽管我们已经成功演示了使用Power BI免费许可证将Power BI嵌入到Dynamics 365中,但是您仍应考虑将许可证升级到Power BI Pro。 这是因为使用Power BI Pro有许多好处,可以使Power BI和Dynamics 365的集成如此有效和无缝。

  1. As demonstrated above, embedding Power BI into Dynamics 365 having a Power BI free license requires users to have basic Power BI administration skills such as deploying Power BI reports, creating Power BI dashboards, as well as publishing Power BI report to the web. This could be frustrating for users who are primarily skilled in Dynamics 365. With Power BI Pro license, you get access to Power BI reports and dashboards that have been developed and shared with you by other users

    如上所述,将Power BI嵌入具有免费Power BI许可证的Dynamics 365中要求用户具有基本的Power BI管理技能,例如部署Power BI报告,创建Power BI仪表板以及将Power BI报告发布到Web。 对于主要掌握Dynamics 365的用户而言,这可能会令人沮丧。使用Power BI Pro许可证,您可以访问由其他用户开发并与您共享的Power BI报表和仪表板

  2. I am not sure if you noticed but throughout this article, I used Facebook as the data source for my sample Power BI reports and dashboard. This is because, with a Power BI free license account, I have limited access to the type of data sources that I can use. If you are planning to use live connection, direct query, or Power BI gateways then you will need a Power BI pro license

    我不确定您是否注意到了,但是在本文全文中,我使用Facebook作为示例Power BI报告和仪表板的数据源。 这是因为,使用Power BI免费许可证帐户,我只能访问可以使用的数据源类型。 如果您打算使用实时连接,直接查询或Power BI网关,则需要Power BI专业版许可证

Finally, there are few general tips that you might find useful when administering Power BI content in Dynamics 365.

最后,在Dynamics 365中管理Power BI内容时,您会发现有用的一些常规技巧。

  1. Sometimes when trying to access your Power BI dashboard in Dynamics 365 you might receive an endless Power BI spinning circle as shown in Figure 13. This can occur when you haven’t signed in to your Power BI account. To double check that you are signed in as the correct account, you must click on the Open In Power BI menu link and you will be redirected to the Power BI cloud portal

    有时,当尝试在Dynamics 365中访问Power BI仪表板时,您可能会收到一个无休止的Power BI旋转圆圈, 如图13所示。 当您尚未登录Power BI帐户时,可能会发生这种情况。 要再次检查您是否以正确的帐户身份登录,必须单击“ 在Power BI中打开”菜单链接,您将被重定向到Power BI云门户

    Power BI endless loading circle error

    Figure 13: Power BI endless loading circle error

    图13:Power BI无限加载循环错误

  2. Next time you access your Power BI report/dashboard in Dynamics 365, you may receive “content isn’t available” error as shown in Figure 14. This usually means that the embedded Power BI dashboard, report or tile has been removed from your Power BI workspace

    下次您在Dynamics 365中访问Power BI报表/仪表板时,您可能会收到“内容不可用”错误, 如图14所示。 这通常意味着嵌入式Power BI仪表板,报告或磁贴已从Power BI工作区中删除

    Power BI content isn't available error

    Figure 14: Power BI content isn’t available error

    图14:Power BI内容不可用错误

  3. You would have noticed that prior to getting to the Success window shown in Figure 10, you would have received a warning similar to what is shown in Figure 15 about the dangers of using the Publish to web feature. This is because anyone on the internet may be able to access your Power BI report and thus compromise the confidentiality of data contained therein. Therefore, before you use this feature it is recommended that you check with your business stakeholder and possibly get approval

    您可能已经注意到,在进入图10所示的“ 成功”窗口之前,您将收到类似于图15所示的警告,说明使用“发布到Web”功能的危险。 这是因为互联网上的任何人都可以访问您的Power BI报告,从而损害了其中包含的数据的机密性。 因此,在使用此功能之前,建议您与业务利益相关者核对并获得批准。

    Embed in a public website warning window

    Figure 15: Embed in a public website warning window


Furthermore, not all Power BI reports will have the option to publish to the web available under the File menu like we had in Figure 9. The availability of this feature depends on the data sources used in your report, for instance, if you are using a SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular Model, the publish to web feature will be missing from that report. Again, it is advisable that you familiarise yourself with all the limitations relating to this feature. For more information regarding the publish to web feature, check out this .

此外,并非所有Power BI报表都可以像在图9中一样选择在File菜单下发布到Web上可用的选项。 此功能的可用性取决于报表中使用的数据源,例如,如果您使用的是SQL Server Analysis Services表格模型 ,则该报表将缺少“发布到Web”功能。 同样,建议您熟悉与此功能有关的所有限制。 有关发布到Web功能的更多信息,请查看此 。

结论 (Conclusion)

In this article, we have looked at how you can get the best out of your Power BI free license with regard to embedding Power BI into Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement. The Power BI Dashboard feature in Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement supports the embedding of a Power BI dashboard whilst the Dynamics 365 Dashboard feature allows you to embed Power BI tiles as well as Power BI iframes.

在本文中,我们研究了如何将Power BI嵌入Dynamics 365中以实现客户参与,从而从Power BI免费许可证中获得最大收益。 Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement中的Power BI Dashboard功能支持Power BI仪表板的嵌入,而Dynamics 365 Dashboard功能使您可以嵌入Power BI磁贴和Power BI iframe。


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